"When my work is prayer and praise, I will labor 7 days." (Judith Malina) http://t.co/35PNUnX5kX
— The Living Theatre (@LivingTheatre) 9 outubro 2013
Judith Malina hasn't died or departed; she has dispersed and lives on in all the people she has inspired -- Garrick Beck
— The Living Theatre (@LivingTheatre) 14 abril 2015
We are heartbroken. http://t.co/9ruRyqKQZ6 @LivingTheatre pic.twitter.com/qrnwQVuuUy
— Perfect Wave (@perfectwavemag) 11 abril 2015
#JudithMalina: Your contributions to Theatre will Live Forever! Thank you for everything! ~from #NYM pic.twitter.com/ANMkN5ys5h
— New York Madness (@nymadness) 10 abril 2015
Judith Malina, whose @LivingTheatre advanced the idea of political theater, died on Friday http://t.co/H7YFfsfXKh pic.twitter.com/b49gvpCGsI
— NYT Theater (@nytimestheater) 12 abril 2015
Judith Malina: An appreciation of a theatrical trailblazer http://t.co/AQfSb8qJji
— LAT Entertainment (@latimesent) 12 abril 2015
Judith Malina RIP @LivingTheatre artist, innovator, activist New Haven court 1969 fighting indecent exposure charge pic.twitter.com/HglYyB5U0r
— Obsrvtns of Dvnc (@AtBestIsKorny) 11 abril 2015
R.I.P. to a great activist, actress, writer, and director. Judith Malina you will be missed. #thelivingtheatre pic.twitter.com/055xRXPobR
— Boo-Hooray (@boo_hooray) 10 abril 2015
Rest in power, Judith Malina. We're honored to have worked with you: http://t.co/ruomkNDto6 pic.twitter.com/pXo3WOrDNp
— BAM (@BAM_Brooklyn) 10 abril 2015
#JudithMalina founder of the #TheLivingTheatre dies at 88. http://t.co/kvolFxoWHT pic.twitter.com/ZZMAT2t7Fi
— Playbill (@playbill) 11 abril 2015
...mi amiga Judith Malina (Living Theatre "radical theatre troup") acaba de ocultarse (elle vient de s'oculter) pic.twitter.com/2qEBqtXUp4
— Arrabal Fernando (@arrabalf) 11 abril 2015
Judith Malina, una vita fra teatro e politica http://t.co/6nxob2S6PD pic.twitter.com/DOJ7fScbpg
— Repubblica News rate (@newsrating) 10 abril 2015
Addio a #JudithMalina anima del @LivingTheatre "pietra miliare della storia della controcultura del Novecento." pic.twitter.com/6PfjXbZb8s
— Teatro Bravòff (@teatrobravoff) 11 abril 2015
IN memoriam Judith Malina- Hans echnaton Schano,Living Theatre http://t.co/g0NWIuOiby @LivingTheatre @TeatroeCritica pic.twitter.com/K4JjsZeR9V
— anna monteverdi (@ANNAMONTEVERDI) 12 abril 2015
#TheLivingTheatre nel 1976 a #Cosenza - #TeatroAcquario. R.I.P. #JudithMalina pic.twitter.com/sQlN53pp6J
— Teatro dell'Acquario (@teatroacquario) 12 abril 2015
#Antigone per #LivingTheatre di #EvaMarinai #JudithMalina #ETS http://t.co/13fu8uehc8 @LivingTheatre @TeatroeCritica pic.twitter.com/Zo9CK5h7pn
— Edizioni ETS (@EdizioniETS) 13 abril 2015
Addio da #Venezia alla grande #JudithMalina, anima del #LivingTheatre, arrivata in Italia con la #Biennale #Teatro pic.twitter.com/zYgsfaEuQn
— Biennale di Venezia (@la_Biennale) 11 abril 2015
#JudithMalina del #LivingTheatre ci ha lasciato, la ricordiamo con questo suo pensiero, parole preziose pic.twitter.com/SW4bBoc1nb
— Teatro Pocket (@teatropocket) 11 abril 2015
Judith Malina, anarchica e pacifista http://t.co/RvaE4qxjIm via @U_enne pic.twitter.com/V9pljN6fQq
— Gianluigi Filippelli (@ulaulaman) 13 abril 2015
#Teatro: Addio a Judith #Malina http://t.co/FqrT3Vm9sA #news #spettacolo
— SocialChannel (@socialchanneltv) 11 abril 2015
Addio a Judith Malina. Al #Valleoccupato che cantiamo insieme Bella Ciao > http://t.co/lW2hoHGbET @motustwit
— TeatroValle Occupato (@valleoccupato) 11 abril 2015
The Addams Family star Judith Manila dies aged 88 http://t.co/NF9QRFsC8w pic.twitter.com/TfrJnzfP9a
— Daily Express (@Daily_Express) 11 abril 2015
Addio Judith Malina, anima del Living Theatre http://t.co/bSuUkeIeyf pic.twitter.com/x2crKzD3IR
— Today (@Today_it) 11 abril 2015
Never ending scream! Bye @Judith Love forever for you and @LivingTheatre NOW is all what we have. pic.twitter.com/ghs5Xd45Pa
— motus (@motustwit) 10 abril 2015
Judith FOREVER Living She will be missed but never forgotten. @LivingTheatre @valleoccupato @CristinaValen20 pic.twitter.com/XBu9RE9ZLa
— motus (@motustwit) 11 abril 2015
https://t.co/qbRs2rIY7p The plot of your life has revolutionized ours. Love Judith @LivingTheatre @LaMaMaETC @UTRFestival @CristinaValen20
— motus (@motustwit) 11 abril 2015
Morre a atriz Judith Malina, co-fundadora do grupo Living Theatre, aos 88 http://t.co/fUDhzZFhwl pic.twitter.com/gHjimJcqu1
— Folha de S.Paulo (@folha) 11 abril 2015
Judith Malina: Ela sonhava com um teatro revolução e fez esse teatro até ao... http://t.co/qEKHa7QPSz pic.twitter.com/j8YgkjNWSD
— 1001Pts Portugal (@1001ptsPT) 12 abril 2015
Judith Malina: Ela sonhava com um teatro revolução e fez esse teatro até ao fim http://t.co/lFofJGdGCK
— Público (@Publico) 12 abril 2015
Elle aurait eu 89 ans le 4 juin. Judith #malina, cofondatrice du #LivingTheatre, vient de s'éteindre. Hommage : https://t.co/ALpia67tR2
— Barbara Bouley (@BarbaraBouley) 10 abril 2015
Le Living Theatre perd sa créatrice: Judith Malina est morte: Celle qui fut la première grand-mère de la famil... http://t.co/Qig1vpYoHS
— Le Temps - officieux (@letemps_rss) 11 abril 2015
Une archive pour la nuit (93) : hommage à Judith #Malina, du #LivingTheatre... http://t.co/7dIDBVslbS #JulianBeck pic.twitter.com/HoNJfWPf8H
— André Daschelet (@andredaschelet) 12 abril 2015
Zum Tod von Judith Malina: Theater des Friedens http://t.co/VEFNFHsVli
— FAZ Feuilleton (@FAZ_Feuilleton) 12 abril 2015
#Fazit #JudithMalina, die Gründerin des legendären #LivingTheatre, ist im Alter von 88 Jahren in den USA gestorben http://t.co/AtcujyzTcP
— DKultur (@DKultur) 12 abril 2015
Theaterlegende Judith Malina gestorben: http://t.co/VvdhSqXrTS
— nachtkritik.de (@nachtkritik) 11 abril 2015
"HAVING LOVED"new book by #JudithMalina(2015) w/my friend M.T.Smith http://t.co/OfOOd8pyKR @EmptyMirror @Ginsbergpoem pic.twitter.com/4429Ix1xzZ
— Magie Dominic (@MagieDominic) 12 abril 2015
The Living Theater's Judith Malina has died. Read about her friendship with @Harold_Norse at http://t.co/pBGHner9DT pic.twitter.com/Wqg0Ykhox4
— Harold Norse (@Harold_Norse) 12 abril 2015
Remembering and Celebrating Judith Malina - http://t.co/OkhzWR9ToD
— The Living Theatre (@LivingTheatre) 26 maio 2015
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