sexta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2016
Leonard Cohen
«Leonard Cohen touched Montreal, touched the world»
«Leonard Cohen: A timeline of key dates in his life and career»
«In our lonesomeness, we are not alone: Why Leonard Cohen was grandmother music — but also mine»
«Iconic Canadian musician and poet Leonard Cohen dies at 82»
«Memorial service was held for Leonard Cohen on Thursday in Quebec»
«Leonard Cohen shuffled off in total control of his art»
«Canadian legend Leonard Cohen has died at 82»
«Legendary singer Leonard Cohen dead at 82»
«My cousin Leonard Cohen – a dark, creative soul who never lost his Montreal roots»
«Leonard Cohen leaves behind rich literary legacy with novels and poetry»
«Looking at Leonard Cohen’s darkness misses the warmth of his words»
«RIP Leonard Cohen: The night has grown colder»
«Leonard Cohen: the key songs and what they mean»
«La prophétie de Leonard Cohen»
«Leonard Cohen, chant libre»
«Mor als 82 anys Leonard Cohen»
«Zanger Leonard Cohen op 82-jarige leeftijd overleden»
«Leonard Cohen: somberte met een knipoog, depressie met relativering»
«Abschied von einem Schmerzensmann»
«Tod eines Ladies-Mannes»
«Leonard Cohen: somberte met een knipoog, depressie met relativering»
«Kanadas Musik-Altmeister Leonard Cohen ist tot»
«Hallelujah utichlo. Zemřel legendární Leonard Cohen, bylo mu 82 let»
«Zemřel písničkář a básník Leonard Cohen, autor hitu Hallelujah»
«Zomrel kanadský spevák a skladateľ Leonard Cohen»
«Portræt: Leonard Cohen og hans arv er et drilsk blinkende øje i orkanen»
«Sangeren Leonard Cohen er død i en alder af 82 år»
«Världen hyllar och sörjer Cohen»
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